// Example 12b: Servo demo with pot #include /* common defines and macros */ #include /* derivative information */ #pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12dg256b" #include "main_asm.h" /* interface to the assembly module */ void main(void) { int val; int width; PLL_init(); // set system clock frequency to 24 MHz ad0_enable(); // enable a/d converter 0 lcd_init(); // enable lcd servo76_init(); // enable pwm7 for servo while(1) { val = ad0conv(7); // 0 - 1023 width = (val << 1) + 3477; // width: 3477 - 5523 set_lcd_addr(0x40); // line 2 of lcd display write_int_lcd(width); // display width on lcd set_servo76(width); // move servo to pos width } }